Daily Archives: April 3, 2015

Sean Gabb – Enoch Powell. The Man and His Politics

Enoch Powell was not a white nationalist, nor a race realist. He would have been just as horrified if a million Germans showed up in Britain. He denied any feelings of racial supremacy or the innate goodness of the white … Continue reading

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Fast & Furious 7

Steve Sailer writes: The increasingly popular Fast & Furious movies are of interest because they say a lot about the multicultural America of the future, which will be, evidently, sentimental, expensive, cliched, and low-brow. The dialogue, which appears to be … Continue reading

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Asians And THE BELL CURVE In Fairfax, VA–Diversity Or Meritocracy?

Patrick Buchanan writes: A voracious and eclectic reader, President Nixon instructed me to send him every few weeks 10 articles he would not normally see that were on interesting or important issues. In 1971, I sent him an essay from … Continue reading

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New York Post Blasts Jews For Lousy Food On UWS

Chaim Amalek writes: “Well, I’ve been to one world’s fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing I ever seen on a blog. The problem with this analysis begins with its own numbers, pointing out that 2/3rds … Continue reading

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