Monthly Archives: April 2015

WP: Atlanta teen who received controversial heart transplant dies in chase with police

It is important that we provide new hearts to criminals in need. Seems like a good use of a couple of million dollars so a bloke can break into more homes. Chaim Amalek writes: “What sick ways you have of … Continue reading

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America & Race

Paul Johnson writes in Modern Times: The notion of a fusion of races in America was as old as Hector Crevecoeur and Thomas Jefferson. It was dramatized with sensational effect in Israel Zangwill’s play The Melting-pot, which was the New … Continue reading

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Can I demand that a Jewish baker make me a Hitler cake?

How is that different from demanding that religious people serve your big fat gay wedding? Chaim Amalek writes: “I want some gay goy to demand a Hasid in Borough Park bake him a wedding cake. Just to watch our politicians … Continue reading

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Stand Up To Bigotry!

We need to act more quickly on Hate Speech. The sooner we mitigate the First Amendment with laws against Hate Speech, the sooner we can get rid of criticism of Jews through “unintended consequences” of their implementation. We probably won’t … Continue reading

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The Liberal Jewish Crack-Up

Steve Sailer writes: …the big trend of 2015, following the anti-Semitic massacres by Muslims in Europe, is that the group that dominates the contemporary mindset, ethnocentric liberal Jews, are starting to feel the pressure on the obvious logical contradictions between … Continue reading

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