Monthly Archives: April 2015

Torah Portion Shemini (Leviticus 9:1-11:47)

This week’s Torah portion is Shemini (Leviticus 9:1-11:47). Watch. * God lays down a lot of demands on the Jews. A less intelligent and less diligent group of people simply could not keep up with these demands. They wouldn’t have … Continue reading

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Tovia Singer – The Rabbi Predator

I talk to Miriam Puccio Sunday morning about Rabbi Tovia Singer. Luke: “I’ve been tracking this guy for many years. He’s very slippery and often women don’t want to go on the record.” Miriam: “They took away everything from me … Continue reading

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WP: Why We Have To Stop Telling Jewish Jokes

A Christian writes this tripe. David Lehrer (formerly of the ADL) has a smarter perspective. I assure you Jews won’t stop telling Jewish jokes, well, maybe the dumb frightened ones will stop. Chaim Amalek writes: “When Moshiach comes, the goyim … Continue reading

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What Happened To Satire?

Steve Sailer writes: When I was young in the Sixties and Seventies, the Spirit of the Age was all about satire and disrespecting sacred cows. A lot of youngish people emerged triumphant from that era and many of them are … Continue reading

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Car Crash Rates Equal Average IQ Levels


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