Monthly Archives: April 2015

If I Were A Muslim, How Would I Feel About Jews?

If I were a Muslim, I would have ambivalent feelings about Jews. On the one hand, I’d admire them for their strengths (high average IQ, high drive for social and economic success, strong commitment to their group interest, a gift … Continue reading

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Bullying Your Way

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A certain amount of thuggishness can advance your cause: Islam in Europe; Blacks in America; Scientologists bullying their way into tax exempt status. One needs to consider responding in kind. * The upside to gay … Continue reading

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Life in the Land of Britain’s Political Insurgents

TheAtlantic: CLACTON-ON-SEA, England—In 1964, as Britain experienced an influx of Asian and African post-colonial immigrants, Conservative Party member Peter Griffiths was controversially elected to parliament, winning on the slogan, “If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour.” It … Continue reading

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Asian Drivers

Comments to Steve Sailer: “I believe studies by insurance companies show that the slightly aggressive driver to be the safest of all. Asians drive like they are afraid and are always giving others the right of way even when they … Continue reading

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REPORT: Judge slams victims for tot’s ‘black men’ fear

Paleo-Lib: A white family suffers a home invasion and is held at gun point by two black robbers. The three year old girl is traumatized and still fears black males. The response by the judge? He rips into the family … Continue reading

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