Daily Archives: March 6, 2015

The End Of Western Civilization

“Extending the franchise to voters who are subject to monthly bouts of hysteria was the beginning of the end for Western Man and Western Civilization.” (Chaim Amalek) More than a decade ago, I dated this ex-porn star and she simply … Continue reading

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The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Concern With The Victims Of Communism

I went to http://www.wiesenthal.com/ and put “Communism” in the search box and found 30 results. I then put in “Nazi” and got 1479 results. Only two of the results for “communism” contained the word in the headline. Those press releases … Continue reading

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Does Anyone Care About Hatred Of Christians?

Apparently, white wealthy and educated elites don’t like Christians, but the authors of this new book don’t say how many of those elites are Jews. I don’t regard Jews as evil when they hate Christians and I don’t regard Christians … Continue reading

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WP: A mother’s fury: ‘After Birth,’ a novel by Elisa Albert

In my experience, Elisa Albert was furious before she ever gave birth. Having a baby was just one new way for her to claim victim status. WP: “By immersing us in Ari’s bottomless need and pain, Albert creates a deeply … Continue reading

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When the Chassidic Rebbe Danced with the Antisemites

I’d like to think that my blog does the same thing as the rebbe in this story. I suspect that the ADL, SWC and SPLC in this situation would have put out press releases and agitated to have the anti-Semites … Continue reading

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