Monthly Archives: March 2015

Is This New Book Good For The Jews?

Heeb magazine writes: There’s an old joke about two Jews stuck on a desert island. They had three synagogues. One that the first Jew attended, one that the second Jew attended, and the one neither would set foot in even … Continue reading

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Paul Gottfried: The American Right Should Respect Bibi

Paul Gottfried writes: For Bibi there is no realistic choice in negotiating with the Palestinians but to allow a two-state solution. Neither he and his party nor presumably those who belong to what is counterfactually called “the Zionist Union Left” … Continue reading

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The Eternal Jew

According to Wikipedia: “The Eternal Jew (1940) is an antisemitic[1] German Nazi propaganda film,[2] presented as a documentary. It has been characterized as “[s]urely the most hideous success of the anti-Semitic films” made during the Nazi era.[3] The film’s title … Continue reading

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Jewish Identity & American Identity

This morning I read a comment that every time a Jew sees a Christmas tree, he sees a potential Holocaust. That hit me hard. Initially, I hoped that if I rewrote it to specify a certain type of Jew, I … Continue reading

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Should We Shackle Ourselves To Reality?

Returning to the gold standard is a favorite conspiracy theory among low-achieving Orthodox Jews. Paul Johnson writes in his book Modern Times: The evidence of industrial decay was omnipresent too. After a brief post-war recovery, the fundamental weakness of Britain’s … Continue reading

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