Monthly Archives: March 2015

The Bush Dynasty & Mexico

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Columba Bush is really hard to explain. In the photos of her at age 18 she fairly cute, but nothing special. But Bush was a handsome guy from an extremely rich family. And boy did … Continue reading

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The Eric Holder Challenge: Can You Find a City Where Blacks Aren’t Arrested More Often?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The DOJ report said the disparities couldn’t be explained by crime rates. Of course they didn’t control for age so their controls maybe useless. The only category that I feel there is legitimate complaint is … Continue reading

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WP: Should Shakespeare Be Censored?

WP: “His plays contain anti-Semitism, racism and sexism, sexual abuse and violence. Does it matter?” The article, however, is all about Shakespeare and the Jews. So if the Bard is to be censored, it’s apparently primarily about whether or not … Continue reading

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Major Jewish Group Slams ‘Despicable’ New York Times Claim That Netanyahu Speech Asks Democrats to Choose Between Obama and Israel

From Major Jewish human rights group the Simon Wiesenthal Center expressed disgust at the New York Times on Wednesday for claiming that the debate over Iran’s nuclear program boils down to a question of loyalty to either President Obama … Continue reading

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Another Jewish Group Calls For More Censorship Of Speech They Don’t Like

ESSAY: It is legal to yell “fire,” but for obvious reasons it is illegal to shout fire in a crowded movie theater when there is no fire. So, should students at an anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) vote be … Continue reading

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