Monthly Archives: February 2015

Catholics Grow A Backbone

It’s good to see Catholics standing up for their group interest and staying true to their Church teachings instead of compromising in the name of multiculturalism and civility. SAN FRANCISCO — It is the issue that is stirring San … Continue reading

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Is It Good For The Persians?

Was not Haman simply advocating a policy in his country’s self-interest, just as all groups seek their self-interest? Why would a homogeneous nation with just one religion benefit from importing diversity and conflict? According to the Rambam, non-Jews cannot be … Continue reading

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Should Whites Get On Welfare?

Chaim Amalek: Breed first, worry about how to pay for them later. White people need to get with the program! Also, at this point it is about numbers and how to build them up. Just look at all the welfare … Continue reading

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Would you choose to go on a plane piloted by someone who weighed over 300 pounds?

When I see a fattie, I figure their life is out of control, that their habits are greater than their character, and I just don’t trust them. Author Greg Critser got the stimulus to lose a ton of weight and … Continue reading

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UJA-President, Alisa Doctoroff, and Her Radical Support of Palestinian Non-Violent Activism

Jews are a serious people. They take their survival seriously. They don’t react well when their members offer aid and comfort to the enemy. Whites, on the other hand, are not a serious people. They don’t even conceive of themselves … Continue reading

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