Monthly Archives: February 2015

Jews Are Beginning To Abandon The Narrative That Islamic Immigration Is Good

Steve Sailer writes: This emerging terrorist pattern of — Let’s go try to kill some people in the media and then go try to kill some Jews — is likely to increasingly get on the nerves of Jews in the … Continue reading

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Why Are Swedes So Rapey?

REPORT: Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 700%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, … Continue reading

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If There’s No Opposition, There’s No Holiness

A Hasidic rebbe instructed his students to abandon a project (building a mikveh) part-way because there was no opposition. “If there is no opposition,” said the rebbe, “there is no holiness. If you desire to sin, the world gives you … Continue reading

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Jared Taylor: What I Like About Blacks

Jared writes (and his experiences mirror mine): Like some other writers for this website, I have a reputation for writing rude things about blacks. I have written rude things about whites, Hispanics, Asians, and Muslims, but being rude about blacks … Continue reading

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Fifty Shades Of Grey

Steve Sailer writes: “Note that the institutional memories of both Christianity and Judaism (and perhaps Islam) go all the way back to the ancient world in which homosexuality consisted largely of the strong taking advantage of the weak or the … Continue reading

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