Monthly Archives: February 2015

Jewish Eugenics “The topic of Jewish eugenics has been systematically suppressed and is only now being timidly taken up by a handful of Israeli and American scholars. John Glad lays bare the deepest roots of the Middle East political standoff – … Continue reading

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To Be French

Above, a reassuring video produced by Polémia that reminds Frenchmen of what makes them unique. The video stands in stark contrast to government propaganda that hammers away at their pride, reducing them to guilt-ridden eloi of a ruthless centralized State, … Continue reading

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Raping Elderly Whites

Delroy Easton Grant is a convicted rapist accused of carrying out a series of offences of burglary, rape and sexual assault dating between October 1992 and May 2009 in the South East London area of England. Grant, also known as … Continue reading

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Royal Black African Convert Becomes Orthodox Rabbi

“The remarkable story of a black African from a royal lineage in Swaziland who was raised a Christian, converted to Judaism and became a Haredi Litvish Rabbi in Israel. It begins with Rabbi Natan Gamedze’s first visit home in 16 … Continue reading

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The Jewish Threat: Anti-Semitic Politics Of The U.S. Army

From “The “Jewish Threat” makes the dramatic allegation that, throughout most of the last century, rampant racism in the highest ranks of the United States Army helped to shape important American public policies. Historian Joseph W. Bendersky bases most … Continue reading

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