Monthly Archives: February 2015

Jews Have Dissolved The Boundaries Of Europe!

Isn’t that wonderful? Or are you some kind of anti-Semite? You like being French or German or Swiss? You must be an anti-Semite. Apparently, according to New York Times columnist Roger Cohen, Jews know that national boundaries, except for the … Continue reading

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Do Jews Cause Anti-Semitism?

I would say that every group creates reactions (but does not have the power to control reactions). When blacks act in certain ways, non-blacks react. When whites act in certain ways, non-whites react. Different groups have different gifts and different … Continue reading

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Bayit Yehudi candidate: I’m a proud homophobe

A friend says: Naftali Bennett is probably pissing his pants out of fear that NY and DC Jewish orgs are going to cancel the US’s special relationship with Israel over the latter’s anti-gay positions if his party is brought into … Continue reading

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What’s With French Anti-Semitism?

A Jewish friend says: There’s an aspect to the hostility toward Jews in France that is never mentioned. That is, the Jewish community, on the whole, sided with the French colonialist over the Arab nationalists which created a bitter divide … Continue reading

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All groups could learn from the way Jews take care of their own

I was new to Temple Ohev Shalom in Orlando in late 1993, I was troubled and I was frightened and I was far from home, and this guy I just met in shul gave me his card and said, “If … Continue reading

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