Monthly Archives: January 2015

Do You Care About Climate Change?

Chaim Amalek: “Concern over climate change is a rich man’s game. If you are worried about your job, paying for health care, paying the rent etc. there is not much space left over for worrying about how climate change may … Continue reading

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That Mortgage Meltdown in Prince George’s County Among African Immigrants

Steve Sailer: From the Washington Post, a story of an African immigrant family who have racked up $1.3 million in debt, even while not paying their mortgage for over six years. Is plight exactly the right word to describe somebody … Continue reading

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Are Jews More Interested In Sex?

I think Jews are more at ease with the natural passions. My shiksa friend Sue writes: “If middle aged Luke had stayed in Australia he would be a pudgy boy being harassed by his not so svelte Sheila of a … Continue reading

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Why Murdoch hates Romney but loves Jeb Bush

A friend says: On the bright side, at least Murdoch’s not a Jew. By the way, I’m sure when Bush says “economic benefits” he isn’t talking about cheap labor, because all the neoliberals assure me “everybody wins” with more immigration. … Continue reading

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Destroying European Free Speech To Save It

From Jewdar: Remember how not long ago Europeans were up in arms over the notion that free speech might be infringed upon by extremists? Well, what a difference a few weeks makes. It’s been a few years in the making, … Continue reading

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