Monthly Archives: January 2015

What role for Jews in non-Jewish ethnostates?

I expect nationalism from all peoples. I can’t stomach seeking anything for my group that I wouldn’t equally want for all groups. So I say, let all peoples work out their destinies in their own lands free from oppression by … Continue reading

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Why Did Conservatism Inc (National Review et al) Move Left?

From comments to Paul Gottfried: * I’ve noticed that how influential any given ideas are tends to have a lot to do with how much money is promoting them. There was Big Money behind Jaffa, just as there is Big … Continue reading

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Black Murderer Says ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot. Blacks Lives Matter’

When did the goyim become such wimps? REPORT: DETROIT, Mich. (WJBK) – Two Westland teenagers were murdered execution-style in a vacant Detroit field two and half years ago. Wednesday was their opportunity to address the men who killed their sons … Continue reading

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Daily Wisdom From The Rebbe

Link: In these days especially, when by G-d’s kindness we stand at the threshold of redemption, we must make every conceivable effort to strengthen every facet of our religion. Mitzvot must be observed b’hidur, with “beauty,” beyond minimal requirements. Customs … Continue reading

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R. Ariel Rav-Noy Was 35

From Chabadinfo: With deep sadness we report the tragic passing of Rabbi Ariel Rav-Noy OBM, at the age of 35, after suffering a sudden heart attack earlier today. Rabbi Rav-Noy served as a Shliach in the Chabad Persian Center in … Continue reading

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