Monthly Archives: January 2015

Politico: ‘National Republicans fear revival of Garner tensions’

Yes, because racial tensions and growing white identity would be such a horrible thing for Republicans as increasing numbers of whites vote Republicans. Right now, 70% of whites are voting Republican. If 80% of whites vote Republican, Republicans will control … Continue reading

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Does France Have The Right To Stay French?

James Kirkpatrick writes: From the multicultural model of Scandinavia to the assimilationist policies of France (where even keeping statistics on race is banned), Third World immigration is failing all over Europe. France is an especially troubling test case because the … Continue reading

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Israel Is An Ethnic State And That’s A Good Thing

Paul Gottfried writes: Jewish supporters of Israel ‘living in exile” (yehudim bagaluth) do not want Christian countries to be ethnically exclusive, a right they reserve for Jews, and therefore work to depict Israel as a Near Eastern version of New … Continue reading

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AP Won’t Publish Offensive Images

The AP won’t publish stuff that offends the left. They’ll publish photos of gays getting married all day long though that is offensive to those with traditional sensibilities. From the WP: “We’ve taken the view that we don’t want to … Continue reading

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South Africa Goes Dark

This is truly a shocking development. Who could have predicted it? The Economist: THE people of South Africa are learning to live in the dark. Their beleaguered power utility, Eskom, is unable to meet electricity demand and in November reintroduced … Continue reading

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