Monthly Archives: January 2015

Do All Racists Drag Their Knuckles And Give Spittle-Beflecked Genocidal Speeches?

Jacob Heilbrun writes: “Unlike in the 1930s, Le Pen and her compatriots do not deliver spittle-beflecked speeches calling for the extermination of other races.” I am unfamiliar with anyone giving spittle-beflecked speeches in the 1930s calling for the extermination of … Continue reading

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Should The US Welcome European Jewish Immigrants?

I read the rabbi’s essay below and there’s not a sentence about the benefits to the goyim of admitting Jews to their country. What is good for America is not even a consideration. The rabbi could care less about non-Jewish … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Female Directors Were Conspicuously Absent’

Regarding the Directors Guild of America feature film nominees, the NY Times Watching blog says today: “Female Directors Were Conspicuously Absent” I noticed in the last night’s NCAA championship football game, female players were absent. Big deal. Men are better … Continue reading

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The Antiracism Crusade

Comments to and from anthropologist Peter Frost: * To a non-white person, the 20th century “anti-racism” was first and last a struggle for dignity, a struggle to gain the right not to be judged as deficient in mental abilities, character, … Continue reading

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Left, Right & Immigration

Comments to Steve Sailer: * All politics is tribal. “Right” and “left” have no meaning beyond their effect on various tribes’ fortunes. Communism, libertarianism, liberalism, democratism claim to be universalist, but self-professed universalists are often the biggest tribalists of all. … Continue reading

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