Monthly Archives: December 2014

I Rarely Think About Palestinian Suffering

I rarely think about the pain of Palestinians. I lose no sleep over the approximate million Arabs who were pushed out of their homes around 1948 and forced out of the place now known as Israel. I don’t think about … Continue reading

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Did The Media Murder Two Police Officers?

Jared Taylor writes: Criminal reporting and rabid politicians fuel anti-white hysteria. Yesterday afternoon, a 28-year-old black thug named Ismaaiyl Brinsley shot two police officers to death in the Bedford-Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn. In Internet postings earlier that day, he said … Continue reading

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Oliver Cromwell

There is much to admire in the life success of Oliver Cromwell. He was a nobody who ended up running all of England. Hope for the nobodies of the world. A friend responds that she doesn’t like Oliver Cromwell. “He … Continue reading

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Who Was That Islander Woman Who Stabbed Her Eight Kids In Cairns?

These themes of drunkeness, lousy parenting, children out of wedlock, and senseless violence are disturbingly common in large swathes of black life around the globe. REPORT: Eight bodies, most of them very small children, were pulled from the house through … Continue reading

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Black Muslim Who Quoted Koran Murders 2 NYPD Cops as “Revenge for Garner”

Chaim Amalek: “Islam is truly a manly religion for manly men. A place for men to be men and not apologize for it. No feminism in this Muslim’s Koran to dilute his testosterone!” Daniel Greenfield writes: Here’s what race baiting … Continue reading

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