Monthly Archives: December 2014

LAT: ‘Ezell Ford had ‘muzzle imprint’ from close-range shot’

I applaud the Los Angeles Times for keeping its focus on the Narrative: The autopsy of Ezell Ford, a mentally ill black man killed by police in South Los Angeles in August, shows he was shot three times — once … Continue reading

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No Welfare Without Contraception

If we could keep those with IQs under 90 from having kids, most of our problems would be solved. Here is some wisdom from down under: NO contraception, no dole – that’s the view of an ex-Labor Minister who believes … Continue reading

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Why Do Americans Feel Less Civic Duty These Days?

REPORT: Americans are a little less likely to ask what they can do for their country these days. An Associated Press-GfK poll found that the sense of duty has slipped since a similar survey three decades earlier. Civic virtues such … Continue reading

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Help Us Build Jewish Unity

I routinely hear appeals for Jewish unity. Here’s one I got via email today from a worthy organization: Shalom Luke, Rav Kook taught that “we need to educate toward spiritual unity.” I agree – and I am very gratified that … Continue reading

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The Science Of Us

From comments to Steve Sailer: * Let’s accept that 80% of our current problems are caused by 20% of the population. But getting rid of that 20% presupposes that our problems were so bad that same was merited, right? Okay … Continue reading

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