Monthly Archives: December 2014

Should Wearing Religious Head-Coverings To Work Be A Right?

I’ve been wearing a religious head-covering to work for about 20 years. Only on one occasion was I asked to take it off — when I was working as an extra on a TV show, playing an ambulance assistant, I … Continue reading

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Jews Canceling Their Subscriptions

Growing up a goy, I never heard anyone boast about canceling their subscription. Once I converted to Judaism, I heard the expression frequently from Jews who were displeased with the publication of negative things about Israel. Ryan Lizza concludes his … Continue reading

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Nicholas Kristof: What If Whites Were In The Minority?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Remember when you were suspended in the fourth grade for being disruptive?” Yeah, it was in math class. I was was working on some multiplication when I should have been dancing and throwing things like … Continue reading

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NYT: Schools’ Discipline for Girls Differs by Race and Hue

By TANZINA VEGA DEC. 10, 2014 … For all the attention placed on problems that black boys face in terms of school discipline and criminal justice, there is increasing focus on the way those issues affect black girls as well. … Continue reading

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Will The News Media Now Drop The UVA Rape Story?

From comments to Steve Sailer: * I expect the story to drop off because it is no longer fulfilling its cultural “function” as an outrage to get worked up about. At this point it is a debunked horror story. There … Continue reading

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