Monthly Archives: December 2014

Prolific Black Brazilian Serial Killer Targeted White Women

Clearly a man who gets group loyalty. “Not the black race,” he told Globo G1, a Brazilian television station. “Because it is family.”

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Formally Recognizing Israel’s Jewishness Will Not Set Back Peace

Morton A. Klein of the Zionists of America writes: Legislation is under consideration in Jerusalem that formalizes Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. We at the Zionist Organization of America support it. Why? Because it is historically, … Continue reading

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The World’s Freest Middle East Arabs Live In Israel

{Editor’s Note: The following is adapted from Ambassador Prosor’s speech to the UN General Assembly on Nov. 24} I stand before the world as a proud representative of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. I stand tall before … Continue reading

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Jared Taylor & The Jews

Here is Evelyn Rich’s story in her own words. She has a PhD from Boston University in Sociology and African-American Studies (with her dissertation on the ideology of the modern KKK). A summary from Occidental Dissent: Jared Taylor is a … Continue reading

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Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream, by Leonard Zeskind

Here is Evelyn Rich’s story in her own words. She has a PhD from Boston University in Sociology and African-American Studies (with her dissertation on the ideology of the modern KKK). Book review: Blood and Politics, published this May, is … Continue reading

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