Monthly Archives: November 2014

Racial Disparities In Arrests

The USA Today writes: Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than any other racial group in the USA. In some places, dramatically so. At least 70 departments scattered from Connecticut to California arrested black people at a rate … Continue reading

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The Lady Defense Minister

Martin Van Creveld writes: As Margaret Mead, perhaps the greatest female anthropologist of all time, wrote in 1948, in all known societies whatever men do is considered most important by both men and women. As she also wrote, when any … Continue reading

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WP: Bachmann: Obama turning ‘illiterate’ immigrants into Democratic voters

From the Washington Post: In a sign of the difficulties GOP leaders face in keeping their unruly caucus on-message, retiring tea party firebrand Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Wednesday that the immigrants given new protections by the president could become … Continue reading

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Rabbi Antony Gordon’s Stipulated Judgment

Conceding to this stipulated judgement with Brent Goldman means that it was so obvious that Antony Gordon had no other choice but to admit to it. An attorney tells me: “People stipulate to fraud judgments for a variety of reasons. … Continue reading

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Blacks, Whites, Jews & Asians Evolved Different Moralities

What causes tension between blacks, whites, asians and Jews? Some of the tension comes from clashes of interests. Other tensions come from different moral norms aka different hero systems. For instance, asians are more quiet than the rest of these … Continue reading

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