Monthly Archives: November 2014

Why aren’t people like this sterilized?

Are we allowed to point out the facts of life to women that certain men, statistically speaking, are more likely than other men to give you an STD, to get you pregnant, to not financially support the kid and to … Continue reading

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More Good News: Jews Leading The Way In Trans-Acceptance

The Torah has a great deal to say about the need for trans-acceptance. This kid’s rap is an anthem of trans-acceptance.

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The Manifold Blessings Of Ethiopian Jews

Richard Lynn writes in his book, The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement: Jewish children scored much higher than the other three groups on verbal ability, about the same as the Chinese on reasoning and numerical abilities, … Continue reading

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The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement by Richard Lynn

Richard Lynn: “Many studies have shown that crime is predominantly committed by the less intelligent. Probably the main reasons for this are that the more intelligent have a better understanding of the costs of crime, and since they generally have … Continue reading

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More Gifts From Africa

Africans continue to act African even after they move to the West. Assimilation is a myth except in the most superficial forms. Otherwise, people tend to act like their countries of origin, i.e., East-Asian tend to act like East-Asians even … Continue reading

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