Monthly Archives: September 2014

New York Times: IQ Not Important, Until It Is “Mr. Hernandez’s lawyer is seeking to have the confessions thrown out, suggesting that his client, who has an I.Q. of about 70 and a history of mental illness, gave a false or coerced confession.” If people with low IQs … Continue reading

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NYT: Kashmir Copes With Flooding and Anger “A week after the Jhelum River breached its banks, many victims of flooding in Kashmir say that the aid response by the Indian government was too little, too late.” Gee, I wonder what the average IQ of these folks … Continue reading

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Who Says Blacks Don’t Tip Big? “McCoy, who makes millions, was hammered by critics, including celebrities, for the tiny tip [20c] on a tab of more than 60 bucks, when the receipt was shared by the restaurant on Facebook.” You can’t generalize from these isolated … Continue reading

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Is There A Superior Race?

Philosopher Michael Levin says in 1998 to the question of racial pathology, i.e. that black behavior in the ghetto is pathological: “Very often people will wish to make a negative value judgment about a certain behavior but they think it … Continue reading

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Adrian Peterson and his bastards

Lex blogs: …Adrian Peterson isn’t really a dad. He’s a football player who likes to stroke his ego by impregnating women so the world may know the power of his seed. He’s doing this shit intentionally. He didn’t even know … Continue reading

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