Monthly Archives: August 2014

Stop The Killing!

I keep reading all these heartfelt cries for stopping the killing in the Middle East. So let’s indulge this wish for a minute and think about what would happen if all the actors in the Middle East decided to stop … Continue reading

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Donald Sterling Reminds Me Of Jews I Know II

Part one. Sterling is like a combination of all of the Jewish characters on the TV show Ray Donovan. I’m reading this Los Angeles Times profile of Sterling and he reminds me of some Jews I know: * Very talkative … Continue reading

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Washington Post: Low testosterone could be what made us civilized humans

The Washington Post reports: No, this isn’t some jab at dudes. According to a study published in Current Anthropology, our transition into modern civilization might have coincided with our species’ drop in testosterone. The hormone, associated with both biologically male … Continue reading

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