Monthly Archives: August 2014

Where Does Creativity Come From?

There’s a new book out on creativity that’s getting attention, but in all the discussion, there’s no mention that everything important invented in the past few hundred years, including ideas, has come from whites. As Steve Sailer wrote: For his … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘Proposal could create more voting districts anchored by minorities’

Another way of understanding this proposal is that it reduces the political power of whites. “It took a federal lawsuit more than 20 years ago to create the first Latino-majority district on the L.A. County Board of Supervisors.” Why should … Continue reading

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Black Reverend Who Gave The Benediction At Obama’s First Inauguration Says All White People Are Going To Hell

Our nation is in the best of hands. Most people will yawn when they read the following because they don’t expect decent behavior from blacks. I guess you could call that defining deviancy down. I wonder how long white people … Continue reading

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Huffington Post Columnist: ‘Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People on the Big Screen’

Can you imagine any other racial group being singled out for hatred from a mainstream news organization strictly on the color of their skin? I can’t, yet whites come in for this racial abuse all the time. What would happen … Continue reading

Posted in Whites | Comments Off on Huffington Post Columnist: ‘Why I’m Tired of Seeing White People on the Big Screen’ ‘Why I can’t stand white belly dancers’

Can you imagine any other racial group being singled out for hatred from a mainstream news organization strictly on the color of their skin? I can’t, yet whites come in for this racial abuse all the time and they just … Continue reading

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