Monthly Archives: August 2014

Israeli Ingenuity Applied To Organ Transplants

As a capitalist, I want people to be free to sell their body parts. As a convert to Judaism, I notice that Jews are often willing to engage in work that non-Jews detest such as risky financial instruments, pornography, rap … Continue reading

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WP: Jews and Arabs in Israel more estranged after war

In short, more Jews will think Kahane was right, that a state is weakened, not strengthened, by the presence of different races and religions, that Israel, for example, would be better off if it had no Arabs. The average IQ … Continue reading

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String Of Armed Robberies In And Around 90035

I don’t know if this is a trend or just the same old news, but I keep hearing about armed robberies in and around 90035, usually committed by young black men with guns. I wonder if many of these are … Continue reading

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How To Destroy An Ant Hill

I learned in today’s portion of the Daf Yomi (page of Talmud, Moed Katan 6b): Rabbi Shimon Gamliel said: “One brings dirt from this ant hole and places it in that ant hole, and the ants choke each other to … Continue reading

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WP: China promotes mixed marriages in Tibet as way to achieve ‘unity’

The Washington Post reports: BEIJING — During their controversial six-decade-rule of Tibet, China’s Communist Party leaders have been accused by human rights groups of trying to tame the restive region by imprisoning Tibetan political prisoners, keeping in exile their leader … Continue reading

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