Monthly Archives: August 2014

How Did Whites Lose Their Racial Identity And How Can They Save Themselves?

Greg Johnson writes about Jared Taylor’s book White Identity: The trouble is that Taylor gives no indication of what, precisely, whites need to do to save ourselves, or any indication that it is even possible at this stage. And without … Continue reading

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Jury Nullification

In 2004, I served on a jury in Inglewood. The case was a young black man who was pulled over while driving on suspicion of being drunk and who then took a blood alcohol test showing he was intoxicated. The … Continue reading

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The Freedom Party vs The American Freedom Party

The Freedom Party in New York state was founded to promote the interests of blacks. The American Freedom Party, by contrast, seeks a white America. And now a story from 2000: In the first 12 days of the Rocker controversy, … Continue reading

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Ethiopian Jews In Israel Embrace U.S. Black Culture

Dan writes: “I don’t think Israelis are going out of their way to discriminate against the Ethiopians. They are just involved in their own life’s struggles and don’t have the time or patience to help the newer olim integrate into … Continue reading

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The Gifts Of Diversity

Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam writes: In areas of greater diversity, our respondents demonstrate: * Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.17 * Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in their own influence.18 * Lower … Continue reading

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