Daily Archives: June 10, 2014

Companies Like Uber Offer Less Opportunity For Graft

In my experience, taxis are hideously expensive. To take a taxi from 90035 to LAX with no traffic will cost you about $30. To take Uber will cost you about $20 and you will be more likely to get an … Continue reading

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California, Texas Have Similar Demographics

Allan Wall writes: VDARE.com has repeatedly pointed out that the demographics of Texas are already quite similar to those of California. But Texas is Republican because whites vote heavily for the GOP (not quite as overwhelmingly as the Deep South … Continue reading

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Why Does Israel Protect Its Borders But America Doesn’t?

John Bennett writes for American Thinker: Many Western nations are restricting immigration because of popular anger at the unwelcome changes brought about by mass immigration.  America seems to be the rare country with the misfortune of having politicians who won’t … Continue reading

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Australia Is Getting Less Australian

Every time I come back to Australia, it is less Australian. Though the country’s immigration program is the most sane in the world in that it only lets in people who can benefit the country economically, white Australians are steadily … Continue reading

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