Monthly Archives: June 2014

Schoolies Down Under

When you graduate from high school in Australia and your family has some money, you’ll typically go to a resort such as Surfers Paradise and party for a week. It’s called “Schoolies.” I don’t remember this sort of thing 30 … Continue reading

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Using Aboriginee Status To Get Ahead In Australia

If you’ve got a drop of Aboriginee blood in you, you are allowed to claim yourself as an Aboriginee and get lots of government benefits and social status points in Australia. I’m hoping to get hired as the multi-cultural officer … Continue reading

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Race & Obamacare

Obamacare is a massive transfer of wealth from whites and orientals to blacks and latinos. The middle and upper classes are worse off under Obamacare and poor people are better off. Whites and orientals are generally middle class and above … Continue reading

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Racism Down Under

I haven’t heard any Australian say anything racist in my week here. What happened to the country I knew and love? People are much more circumspect in their speech today than when I was growing up here. Everyone I meet … Continue reading

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Halloween Is Close To Australia’s Most Popular Holiday

When I lived in Tannum Sands 30 years ago, nobody celebrated Halloween. Now it is as celebrated in this part of Central Queensland as Christmas. Kids dress up in costumes and go around trick or treating. They’ll sometimes throw eggs, … Continue reading

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