Monthly Archives: May 2014

Where Am I Better Than The Average Mexican?

My friend says my self-deprecating humor (telling everyone I’m a felon, that I trade my services for vegie macs) lowers my esteem in other’s eyes and he’s recommending I type up a letter of recommendation for myself that he’ll sign … Continue reading

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Is Martin Luther King A Great American Hero?

A friend wrote: While I was in Alabama (Hoover), I made a point to visit Brimingham and walk through the grounds/parks where the civil rights movement had so many moments. Dr. King called for non-violent civil disobedience, in refusing to … Continue reading

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Sex Trafficking Is Usually Of The Willing

I wrote about the sex industry for more than a decade and whenever I looked into it, “sexual slavery” on a large scale inevitably turned out to be consensual all round. Third worlders and second worlders and many first worlders … Continue reading

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Third NPR Program Aimed At Minorities Ended

I suspect that NPR overwhelmingly attracts white listeners, despite all of its efforts to the contrary. In Australia, the SBS channel, aimed at minorities, mainly attracts white viewers. Minorities prefer the prole feed, in Steve Sailer’s words. NPR reports: “Tell … Continue reading

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Is Former Australian PM Malcolm Fraser Crazy?

Australian Jewish News reports: CLAIMS from Malcom Fraser (pictured) that Israel deliberately bombed the USS Liberty in June 1967 is a “mad, demented conspiracy theory”, Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) national chairman Mark Leibler said this week. The former … Continue reading

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