Monthly Archives: April 2014

In Praise Of Traditional Ties

I notice that people who are rooted in the traditions of their people like it when others are similarly rooted. Orthodox Jews, for instance, do not rejoice when the goyim become secular and lose their traditional ties. It is better … Continue reading

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Is The Subtext Of This Article Race?

Liberals often accuse conservatives of dog whistling for race when they talk about law and order, states rights, lower taxes and welfare payments, Obamacare and the like. I have a lot of sympathy for this liberal argument. Arguing on the … Continue reading

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What Creates Civility At A Sports Stadium?

In some sports stadiums, you take your life in your hands if you wear a jersey of the visiting team, while in other stadiums, it is no problem. I notice that in some stadiums, such as Green Bay’s, fans are … Continue reading

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Impatient, Arrogant & Condescending

I’m fascinated by how I’ve inherited these unpleasant traits from some of my ancestors and how these traits continue down in my family line with some of my relatives. If I’m not careful, I become impatient with anyone who does … Continue reading

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The Psychological Causes Of Physical Pain

When I am in physical pain, I don’t enjoy it when people suggest that my problem is psychological. I had one girlfriend, for instance, whenever I complained of pain, she would say, “Do you think it might be psychological?” I … Continue reading

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