Monthly Archives: March 2014

The New York Times Vs. Meir Kin

I don’t take sides in the Meir Kin vs Lonna Kin (four marriages) divorce dispute. As I understand it, Meir Kin offered his wife a get (Jewish divorce) through a controversial Beit Din in Monsey. Lonna Kin wanted to get … Continue reading

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The Conservative/Neo-Conservative Divide On Race

Through the 1960s, the flagship Conservative magazine National Review took racial differences for granted and fought on the side of white segregation around the world. By contrast, much of the burgeoning neoconservative movement pushed for a racially blind approach. On … Continue reading

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Jews, Asians, Goyim & Schvartzes

Williamsburg. A Satmar drives up to a ba’al teshuva baker with his delivery truck filled with baked goods and tells the man, “Get your schvartze to unload my truck.” The ba’al teshuva took great offense at the term “schvartze”, pointing … Continue reading

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James J. Kilpatrick: Salesman for Segregation II

I’m reading this new book. I’m interested in how the conservative thinker James J. Kilpatrick, as much as possible, made the case for racial segregation without talking about race. Regnery published Kilpatrick’s first book, The Sovereign States in 1956. From … Continue reading

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Marilyn Monroe Studied Alexander Technique

More photos here. Alexander teacher Betsy Polatin writes: I have taught this technique to thousands of students all over the world, and people often ask me, “Should I swim? Or do Pilates? Or yoga?” I answer, “It’s not so much … Continue reading

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