Monthly Archives: March 2014

Baby Richard

Beginning in April 1995, Dennis Prager devoted every hour of his radio show for six weeks, much to the dismay of his bosses and many of his listeners, to the Baby Richard controversy. Why this obsession? Because the story exemplified … Continue reading

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He Said His Colleagues Were ‘Jew-leftie-commies’

I’m fascinated by the story of British psychologist Christopher Brand. How does one balance academic freedom with social responsibility? According to Wikipedia: In October 1996 Brand came to the defence of Nobel laureate Daniel Carleton Gajdusek who had been charged … Continue reading

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Blood vs Values

In his book, Think A Second Time, Dennis wrote on page 311: “We must educate the American public and humanity as a whole as to the infinite worth of the individual child, the lesser significance of blood, and the greatness … Continue reading

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A friend asked me: “If you had known at every age what your life would be like today regarding women, which, if any, of the women you had a shot at might you have then decided to marry?” I think … Continue reading

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Narco Cultura

This documentary will turn your stomach at the number of Mexicans dancing to songs glorifying drug dealers. Here are some sample lyrics: “With an AK-47 and a bazooka on my shoulder/Cross my path and I’ll chop your head off/We’re bloodthirsty, … Continue reading

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