Monthly Archives: February 2014

‘Strong religious beliefs may drive self-perception of addiction to online pornography’

From Case Western: People who consider themselves very religious and view Internet porn even once may perceive they are addicted, according to a new Case Western Reserve University’s psychology study. “This is one of the first studies to examine the … Continue reading

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Is Jewish Blogging Still Relevant?

Blogging is relevant to anyone who’s affected by a blog. I’ve never run into anyone I’ve written about and he did not know what I had written and hadn’t formed an opinion as to whether or not I was friend … Continue reading

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The Gay Zion

“Pink is the new Black. And to the extent that gay is the new Jewish, then why no movement to provide homosexuals with a national homeland of their own, a kind of gay Zion to which every Homosexual has the … Continue reading

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Jerry Seinfeld Pushes Back Against Political Correctness

“Only Jews can save the soft headed white goyim from diversifying themselves out of existence. Still another example of the Jewish Man’s Burden.” (Sage) John Derbyshire writes: Call me a cockeyed optimist, but I took heart from the micro-fuss over … Continue reading

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Woody & Friend

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