Monthly Archives: February 2014

The Importance Of Intelligence

Like all of the Western world’s public intellectuals who are more interested in their own happiness than in truth (see Jason Richwine’s 2013 dismissal from the Heritage Foundation for an example of what obvious truths one should not say publicly … Continue reading

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The Tragic Mulatto

When you have one white parent and one non-white parent, the mulatto kids often side with their non-white half. Witness Barack Obama who had a white mom and a black dad and he chose to grow up and identify as … Continue reading

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Islam In America

In 19th Century Europe, the big question was The Jewish Question. What do you do about the Jews? Do you give them the same rights as other citizens? If you do, won’t they take over? Are they interested in becoming … Continue reading

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Does The ADL Speak For Jews On Immigration?

Is opposition to illegal immigration hate speech? Is being against illegal immigration automatically a form of bigotry and an opposition to all immigration? To me, the answers to these questions is obviously no, but the ADL has the opposite view. … Continue reading

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Why Are Jews Liberal?

Here are some highlights from a 2005 column by Dennis Prager: * …Jews (outside of Israel) are indeed overwhelmingly liberal and disproportionately left of liberal as well. * Most Jews are frightened by anything that connotes right-wing—such as the words … Continue reading

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