Monthly Archives: February 2014

Islam & Freedom

For 20 years, I’ve watched Jews pour into inter-faith dialogue with Muslims and then give up on it, realizing it is useless. Not every racial or religious group is equally likely or capable of assimilating into the First World. I … Continue reading

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Diversity Kills

Social capital is inversely proportionate to racial diversity. So Los Angeles, the most diverse big city in the United States, has the lack of cooperation among its citizens. I was watching this 2012 documentary, The Summit, about climbing accidents on … Continue reading

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Malcolm Gladwell On The Dennis Prager Show

I see many parallels between Malcolm Gladwell and Dennis Prager. They’re excellent at promoting profound insights into life that often fall apart upon examination. Malcolm has a new book out — David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of … Continue reading

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Hundreds Of Anne Frank Books Mutilated In Japan

The NY Times said: While anti-Semitism is not common in Japan, magazine articles and books have occasionally appeared here that deny the Holocaust or claim that a Jewish conspiracy was behind various historical events. One of the most outlandish of … Continue reading

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The Stupid Party

In 2004, Dennis Prager said in a lecture: “I’ve said for 30 years there are two parties in America — the dangerous and the stupid. I’m a member of the stupid party.” Dennis uses this saying almost every week on … Continue reading

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