Monthly Archives: January 2014

National Review Parts Way With Mark Steyn

The final fatal difference was in the conduct of their legal defense against climate scientist Michael Mann. I’ve rarely read National Review over the past six months (the Weekly Standard even less). I prefer Steve Sailer and The National … Continue reading

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The White Identity Movement And The Jews

About 95% of American Jews are Ashkenazi and about 95% of American Jews identify as white. Jews overwhelmingly prefer whites to other races and they overwhelmingly prefer to live in white neighborhoods. Orthodox Jews are far more likely than white … Continue reading

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The Advantages of Skype Alexander Technique Lessons

Monika Gross tells Robert Rickover: “I wanted to teach people in a way that wouldn’t increase their stress. People have less money and less time (at least in their perception).” “People spend so much time in front of their computers. … Continue reading

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What Is Race Realism?

According to Wikipedia: Scientific racism is the use of purportedly scientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority, or alternatively the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races.[1][2][3] … Continue reading

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A Black Man’s Path To Race Realism

Larry Murdock teaches chemistry in China, where he has lived for 11 years. He writes: There are only about 14 million Jews in the world, and only about 10 percent of them are Orthodox. Yet, in China there are no … Continue reading

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