Monthly Archives: January 2014

Has The ADL Been The Model For Fighting Racism?

Has the Anti-Defamation League‘s success in identifying and stigmatizing anti-Semitism been the model that America and the West have followed in identifying and destroying racism and those that espouse it? In other words, following the Holocaust, have Jews led the … Continue reading

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Hank – Five Years From The Brink

I was watching this 2013 documentary on former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen. I was struck by his hoarse voice and immediately thought that the guy suffered from unnecessary body tension and this stressed and damaged his vocal chords. Early on … Continue reading

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The Wolf of Wall Street

I recently saw the movie The Wolf of Wall Street (about the Jew Jordan Belfort and many of his Jewish friends) and was also just watching this PBS Frontline program, To Catch A Trader, about finding insider trading on Wall … Continue reading

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Netflix’s Mitt Documentary

What struck me in this movie was Mitt Romney’s dedication to picking up trash. Just before his first debate, he was picking up trash outside his hotel room. On election night, he was picking up trash around the room. Somehow … Continue reading

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Richard Sherman Is No Rhodes Scholar

I enjoyed the performance of Richard Sherman on Sunday after the game. I enjoy his trash talking. He entertains me. I respect that he went to Stanford. I don’t think the guy is ignorant. But if you are going to … Continue reading

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