Monthly Archives: October 2010

San Francisco Is A Tough Place To Be An Orthodox Jew

Heshy Fried blogs: “San Francisco isn’t like other cities, for a city its size it has a dismal amount of Jewish services for the observant folks. It has two kosher restaurants and a butcher, one of the kosher restaurants is … Continue reading

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Don’t Ignore Rabbi Rabbs!

Rabbi Rabbs posts on FB: As those of you that I tagged are probably already aware, and many others of you reading this might also know, Heshy Fried a.ka. Frum Satire, posted in his blog today about how I deleted … Continue reading

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How Come Viking Fans Mix Without Trouble In Green Bay?

I am watching the Green Bay – Minnesota football game and wondering why the visiting Viking fans can mix unmolested with the home town Green Bay fans? Is it mid-West civility? The crowd looks lily-white but I don’t think whiteness … Continue reading

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The Cognitive Elite

Charles Murray writes: There so many quintessentially American things that few members of the New Elite have experienced. They probably haven’t ever attended a meeting of a Kiwanis Club or Rotary Club, or lived for at least a year in … Continue reading

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Call Me Senator

From Jerry Zucker: Call Me Senator from RightChange on Vimeo.

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