Category Archives: Europe

Should the Holocaust be the Moral Prism for all Questions About Diversity?

Steve Sailer writes: Muslim Mass Migration: Is It Good for the Jews? With Muslim terrorists committing anti-Semitic massacres in France and Denmark earlier this year, and Middle Eastern and African youths routinely harassing Jews on the street in European cities, … Continue reading

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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on BBC Newsnight about the European refugee crisis

Rabbi Sacks says Europe must take in these Muslim refugees because Holocaust. He doesn’t say anything about Israel needing to take in these refugees. He pushes diversity on the goyim while keeping the benefits of cohesion to Jews. I’m not … Continue reading

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African Migrants Must Be Sent Home

Comments to Steve Sailer: Those already in Europe must be sent back. They must be seen as foreigners, not as Europeans. As long as they are allowed to be ‘new Europeans’, the new official premise of Europe will be a … Continue reading

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Europe’s African Disaster

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Africans will only come to Europe if Europeans can provide jobs for them to do. Otherwise they may as well stay in Africa and work for Asians. And thats why the worm is about to … Continue reading

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The EU’s Got To Go!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Ironically, the EU was formed with the more or less implicit aim of defending the interests of Europeans. Of course, this was way back in the 1950s when the terms ‘Europe’, ‘European’ or even ‘white’ … Continue reading

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