Category Archives: Europe

The Future Of Europe

Harvard professor Stephen Walt writes: I had the privilege of testifying to the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats on Tuesday on the topic of “The Future of the EU.” With some updates and editing, … Continue reading

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Meanwhile, In Sweden

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Meanwhile in Sweden: “In Sweden’s Ikea attack, two migrants, two slayings and rampant fear of refugees” reads one headline Another story on the same attack: “‘Mad’ stabbings turn Ikea store in Sweden into a … Continue reading

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Nationalism Vs Multiculturalism

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Seventy two years after Nazi Germany recruited Muslim refugees to serve as Waffen SS stormtroopers, memories still linger of the deadly combination of Teutonic fascism and military-age Muslim men.” * Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants … Continue reading

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Jewish Groups Lead Push To Crack Open Doors to Syria Refugees

If Jews deserve to preserve their people and heritage, which I believe they do, then surely non-Jews such as the Germans, Swedes, Australians, English etc also deserve to preserve their heritage and keep enemy aliens (Muslims, Africans, etc) out. Every … Continue reading

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Blog: Haredi Rabbi says Muslim invasion of Europe is ‘excellent news’ because “Edom” (Christianity) must be destroyed before “Messiah” can “return”

Blog: An extract from a talk by apparently Chabad-associated Rav David Touitou. Full video here. The rabbi says: “The Messiah of Israel will only come when Christ, Europe, Christianity are totally defeated. Therefore I ask you, is this good news … Continue reading

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