Category Archives: Europe

An HBD Approach To The Islamic Invasion Of Eupre

From the fantastic blog (Those Who Can See) of an ex-pat American living in France: From the Pope to the E.U. to the U.N., the narrative has taken shape: ‘Millions of refugees fleeing war-torn regions are flooding into Europe, and … Continue reading

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The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project Read more: The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project

Here are transcripts of the speeches at this 2013 conference at Ben Gurion University in Israel. Dr. Sharon Pardo, Director Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, gave welcoming remarks: Last year when we discussed Europe Day, we … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: NYT Catches On, Finally … Sort of: “A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Polish soccer fans stand in defiance of “refugee” invasion and unveil huge banner. Pretty intimidating. * It may get worse? But I thought making White countries more “diverse” (that is less White) was always good? … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Accuses George Soros of Stoking Camp of the Saints; Soros Confirms Orban

It’s nice to see Hungary standing up for itself against this horde of Muslim refugees. It seems like Eastern Europeans have a clearer sense of their national interests than does Germany. Steve Sailer writes: From Bloomberg Business: Orban Accuses Soros … Continue reading

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The Feminization Of European Men

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The feminization of the European male has contributed to the invasion in two ways. European women, like all women, desire masculine men. The low supply of masculine native men thus necessitates the importation of masculine … Continue reading

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