Category Archives: UCLA

Fights Break Out At UCLA Israel Protests (4-28-24)

NBC News, KTLA, Reuters, CBS, and ABC 7.

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Death Be Not Proud – A Celebration of the Life & Work Of Musicologist Robert M. Stevenson

I knew musicologist Robert Murell Stevenson at UCLA in 1988-89. We had a lot of meals together along with his friend Jules Zentner (another groomer and an expert in Scandinavian Literature). Professor Stevenson had just retired from teaching but he … Continue reading

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Black PhDs In Hard Sciences

Heather Mac Donald writes: “Blacks made up 4.7% of all doctorate recipients nationwide in 2006, 4.9% in 2010, and 5.2% in 2016, according to the National Science Foundation. But black PhDs have historically been concentrated in education; in the sciences, … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘Jewish UCLA Student Body President Apologizes for Using White Privilege to Culturally Appropriate Bloods Sign and Offend Gang Communities’

UCLA was the first place I lived where whites were a minority, and where I met people who openly and proudly identified as Jewish. The fall of 1988 was where my adult life began. I was 22. At Sierra Community … Continue reading

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JTA: Israeli prof accused of harassment returns to UCLA classroom, prompting protests

Whoever heard of an Israeli committing sexual harassment? I’m shocked. LOS ANGELES (JTA) — UCLA students vowed to resume their protests Wednesday against Gabriel Piterberg, an Israel-educated historian, over charges by two of his female students of repeated sexual harassment. … Continue reading

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