Category Archives: Conspiracy

A majority of the people arrested for Capitol riot had a history of financial trouble

The most objective score for assessing somebody’s morality is their credit score. People with higher scores tend to be more responsible. Those who fail at their finances tend to make terrible decisions in other areas of their life. Marginalized people … Continue reading

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Why Do People Believe In Conspiracy Theories?

Thomas Edsall writes for the New York Times: * “people are attracted to conspiracy theories when important psychological needs are not being met.” She identified three such needs: “the need for knowledge and certainty”; the “existential need” to “to feel … Continue reading

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Explaining Conspiracy Theories About Bullied 9-Year-Old Quaden Bayles (1-31-21) Not Born Yesterday: The Science of Who We Trust and What We Believe, Marjorie Taylor Greene touts Trump call amid growing backlash Quaden Bayles is a nine-year-old boy with dwarfism who just wants to fit … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories

Novelist James Meek writes for the London Review of Books: * In the spring​ of 2020, while the world stayed indoors to suppress Covid-19, arsonists attacked mobile phone masts in Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. They set … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories & The JFK Assassination

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