Category Archives: Ads

POOL TRADESHOW celebrates Concept to Creation event

POOLTRADESHOW, the leading fashion tradeshow for emerging art and design driven brands, hosted a successful launch event, Concept to Creation, in the LOOP space in Silver Lake, CA on Saturday, June 7th. The event was a spin-off of the theme … Continue reading

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Shine A Light(scoop) On Me

I’m an amateur shutterbug, a person who almost never travels without a good digital camera. I take thousands of pictures each year, but the images – the successful ones, anyway – all share a common theme: the proper use of … Continue reading

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PicoCricket – Genius!

One of the great things about having thousands of daily readers is that I get the chance to introduce people to new and interesting products or articles. The former is a big deal because I get to spotlight products that … Continue reading

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I Love HINT – Part Two

I’m in love — with HINT Water ( Some context: I wrote about HINT last week, detailing my newfound interest in this popular brand of essence water, which contains no sugar and no artificial ingredients. Now, it takes a lot … Continue reading

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Clinton MacKinnon – Photographer

Here’s his website. Here’s my previous article on Clinton. Here’s Clinton’s recent interview with Shutterbug magazine: Interview His wife Kate: Interview Part two: Interview Clinton blogs: I did a radio interview on the 8th of March, it was a lot … Continue reading

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