Category Archives: Rape

Jewish Women Complain About Pressure To Reproduce

Tamar Fox writes for Jewcy: No Babies: until I’m good and ready. And any rabbi who disagrees can stick it where the sun don’t shine There has been a lot of talk recently about women in the Jewish community feeling … Continue reading

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What Campus Rape Crisis?

Heather Mac Donald writes for the LA Times: It’s a lonely job, working the phones at a college rape crisis center. Day after day, you wait for the casualties to show up from the alleged campus rape epidemic — but … Continue reading

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Rape In Pitcairn – Or What Do You Do With A Drunken Sailor?

Says Slate: "An impossible-to-put-down Vanity Fair feature chronicles the sex scandal that has rocked Pitcairn, the tiny Pacific island where the Bounty mutineers sought refuge in the late 18th century. Technically a British colony, Pitcairn is so isolated that the … Continue reading

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Rabbinical School Is Ruining My Love Life

Reform rabbinical student Jordie Gerson (who does not include a picture on her profile, though I Googled her and she’s cute, but did she wait until she landed a boyfriend before publishing this piece?) writes for Before rabbinical school, … Continue reading

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Sex Offenders In BH And Pico-Robertson

Joe writes: Would you post info about a Jewish sex offender [Andrew Jay Scarf] in the Pico Robertson BH area that davens in orthodox shulls? I am not sure if he is religious or not. I see him walking to … Continue reading

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