Category Archives: Rape

Who Accused FSU Star Quarterback Jameis Winston Of Rape? Erica Kinsman

The formula for winning in college football is to have as many thugs on your team as possible. The downside of this is that you will have to put up with more rapes on campus. No charges are pending for … Continue reading

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What Is ‘Legitimate Rape’?

The news media are having a field day with some inartful comments by a Republican. The New York Times writes: “Representative Todd Akin of Missouri said women’s bodies can block an unwanted pregnancy in cases of “legitimate rape.”” I understand … Continue reading

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Who Gets Raped?

Young women under age 25. After that age, not so much. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey (2007 data), the rate of attempted or completed rape or sexual assault is: Age Rate per 1000 16-19 4.9 20-24 5.9 25-34 … Continue reading

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Blacks, Whites And Rape

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “People are yelling at the prosecutor in New York [for the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case). It took a lot of courage for him to do it. He could have easily played up, I’m … Continue reading

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International News Media Name The Woman Who Accused Domonique Strauss-Kahn Of Rape – Nafissatou Diallo

According to this Ghana publication from May 18, here is a picture of Nafissatou Diallo, the maid who accused DSK of rape. Is this really her? Nafissatou Diallo lied rampantly but the American news media protect her identity. Here’s the … Continue reading

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