Category Archives: Rape

The Inconvenience of Rapey Refugees

Rod Dreher writes: Well, well, well: Deutsche Welle reports something ‘politically awkward’: City authorities identified some suspects in the Cologne New Year’s Eve attacks as asylum seekers from Syria, detaining or questioning some of them, according to reports by local … Continue reading

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Haven Monahan Back in the News

Steve Sailer writes: Nicole Eramo patiently listened to Jackie’s story about Haven Monahan several times and rightly figured out it wasn’t legit, for which she was much denounced as a facilitator of campus rape culture from Nov. 19th to December … Continue reading

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How To Deal With The Islamic Invasion

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The US government seemed to have little problem drafting, training, clothing, feeding, arming, transporting, supplying and medically treating ~15 million men during World War 2. Funny how the government is perfectly capable of such massive … Continue reading

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Comment: “Colin Liddell over at Alternative Right has evaluated some suggestions on how to alleviate the sexual tensions of the male migrants. It makes for some depressing reading and he admits that there’s no viable solution. My guess is that … Continue reading

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This is the best newspaper in America and it keeps getting better

The Washington Post reports: Relying on text messages between Jackie and one of her closest friends at the time, Eramo’s lawyers argue that Jackie not only fabricated the account of her alleged sexual assault but also created the false persona … Continue reading

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