Category Archives: Sephardim

Should The Sephardim Go To The Back Of The Bus?

Orthodox rabbi and history professor Marc B. Shapiro blogs Nov. 7, 2007: I read about the outrage taking place in Emanuel, where in the local Beit Yaakov Sephardi students are being segregated from Ashkenazim to the extent that the two … Continue reading

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AJU Professor Yitzchak Kerem Interview Part II

Part One Luke: "How does your activism fit with your scholarship?" Yitzchak: "It complements each other. I try to be objective. I’m critical of Sephardic organizational life. I received a lot of resistance when I tried to organize a Sephardic … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Ashkenazim, Greece, Jews, Sephardim, Turkey, Yitzchak Kerem | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on AJU Professor Yitzchak Kerem Interview Part II

American Jewish University Professor Yitzchak Kerem Says The Sephardim Were Discriminated Against With Holocaust Reparations

Part Two I met Dr. Yitzchak Kerem at LimmudLA a few weeks ago. "Yitzchak Kerem is an historian on Sephardic Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has been the editor of Sefarad, the Sephardic newsletter, since 1991. He … Continue reading

Posted in Armenia, Ashkenazim, Genocide, Greece, Sephardim, Turkey, Yitzchak Kerem | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on American Jewish University Professor Yitzchak Kerem Says The Sephardim Were Discriminated Against With Holocaust Reparations

Sephardim are rational — Ashkenazim, not so much

Dennis Wilen writes: From an essay in Zeek — A Sephardic Answer to Modern Jewish Identity By David Rabeeya: " . . . Ashkenazic authorities traditionally have placed a “fence around the Torah,” enlarging restrictions in order to be sure … Continue reading

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Praise God On Your Own Time, Buster!

I sometimes go to an Ashkenaz minyan in the evening where this Sephardi guy always insists on yelling out, "Barchu et Adonai Hamvorak!" at the end of Ma’ariv (and by reflex the rest of us respond, "Baruch Adonai Hamvorak l’olam … Continue reading

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