Category Archives: Los Angeles Times

Why Must Jews Build Such Big Houses?

From The Los Angeles Times: A clash over huge new homes on average-size lots has divided Valley Village and led to an L.A. ordinance that would limit the size of houses… The proposed split has raised tempers in the community … Continue reading

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The Case Of The Diamond Dildo

Mickey Kaus writes on Slate: It’s just like porn-centric lone L..A. blogger Luke Ford, writing about new arrival David Beckham, to recklessly report: On another occasion, while Victoria was expecting their third child, Beckham spent $1.8 million for a diamond-encrusted … Continue reading

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Journalistic Ethics

John Bracken blogs: "Did Ford beat professional reporters to the story, or is he, as an amateur, able to push stories that those who subscribe to professional ethics cannot?" What professional ethics? To whom do journalists have ethical obligations? Journalists … Continue reading

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LA Times Hopes For Mayor

As Mickey Kaus wrote: "When Villaraigosa announced his marital trouble last month, the hapless LAT, in its traditional life-draining thumbsucker, listed Gary Hart as one of the politicians who emerged from personal scandal "with their careers largely intact, or enhanced." … Continue reading

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Mickey Kaus Writes: ‘Luke Ford 1: LA Times 0’

Kaus writes on This may be a first: If you watch the third local news video linked on this LAT page** ("Mirthala Salinas reports Villaraigosa’s separation") you’ll see the news of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s separation from his wife announced … Continue reading

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