Category Archives: Los Angeles Times

Who makes news that’s fit to print?

I write for the Los Angeles Times Dust-Up: Dear Eric, I want to make a difference. I want to give my readers something they can’t get elsewhere. As a blogger with no love, no life and no money, I must … Continue reading

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The apparent double suicide of Jeremy Blake and Theresa Duncan

Chris Lee writes for The Los Angeles Times: It’s been just eight days since rising art star Jeremy Blake was seen wandering into the ocean off New York’s Rockaway Beach — presumably to his death — a week after he … Continue reading

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Patrick Goldstein’s Column Spiked

Kevin Roderick reports on The bug at the bottom of the Calendar front in today’s Los Angeles Times says columnist Patrick Goldstein is on assignment. Not true. His The Big Picture column for Tuesday was killed, apparently by associate … Continue reading

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Not The Mirthala Salinas Story We’ve Been Waiting For

I’ve been blogging that we need a good Mirthala Salinas profile. She’s an interesting, intelligent and scandalous woman. It takes The Los Angeles Times to produce a boring article on her. That required special skill. Why is there no mention … Continue reading

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Religion Vs. Journalism

Joseph Mailander blogs: Times to Church: Drop Dead. In case you missed it, the Church has been bad in recent years. High hypocrisy marks to the LA Times and media in general continuing to ride the molestation juggernaut even on … Continue reading

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